
  • Winner: The Blessing Foundation: To empower women in business (2013)
  • Winner: Mowgli Foundation at Berytech (2013 - 2014)
  • Winner: EDIP Entrepreneurship Development Program: UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization, in 2015)
    Certification:  Enterprise  Development  &  Investment  Promotion  Program  Organized  by  Arab Regional Center for Entrepreneurship & Investment Training – Bahrain, in Cooperation with the Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture and the Italian Cooperation for Development( 2015) 
  • Winner: 1st prize of the 3rd edition of the Global Social Venture Competition (GSVC), awarded to    «S-miles».
    The GSVC is initiated by the «UC Berkeley Haas School of Business - California, US» and organized by “ESSEC Business School - France”, for the aim of supporting and encouraging social entrepreneurship in Lebanon and the MENA region; In collaboration with BLC Bank and in partnership with Université Saint Joseph, and Berytech.